Simple Wedding Invitations I'm Going To Be Making My Own Wedding Invitations. Where Can I Find Some Free, Simple Backgrounds?

I'm going to be making my own wedding invitations. Where can I find some free, simple backgrounds? - simple wedding invitations

My colors are blue and white, and I thought that something as simple as a floral shape.


Zerachie... said...

Photoshop, if you can find a lot of Photoshop brushes on Deviantart that these funds give you flowers and make any desired color.

If you have Photoshop, you can take stock of the marriage, Google, and you should find pictures that you can use for free. Just make sure it is free or not, yeah .. happy bad things if you can see an artist who was not invited to use his power.

Edit: If anything I would be more than happy to find a background. I love working in Photoshop and it would be fun.

moose said...

Search for stationery on the computer, and I am sure you will find it.I think it's> in Program Files Common Files. I'm not 100% sure. Also see the clip art.

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