Sore Throat Lump Hard To Swallow Had Flu Like Symptoms And A Sore Throat For Almost 4 Weeks And Now I Have A Small Hard Lump In My Neck ?

Had flu like symptoms and a sore throat for almost 4 weeks and now i have a small hard lump in my neck ? - sore throat lump hard to swallow

Just before Christmas, has the flu, I had a constant headache, joint pain, and anorexia, which lasted about 2 weeks, I have about this, but it seems to have become, for the 4 Last week I had flu-like symptoms, joint pain , constant headaches, dry cough, sore throat and I feel really exhausted and tired, but in the last 3 days I noticed a small hardening just below the chin to the neck to play to his bid, and it hurts when I sing and Swallow
Doctors and HES due Thwe Ive only to a viral infection, but the almost 5 weeks and instant messaging worry, someone has any idea what could be?
I know that this is not a viral infection, because a've had before, and took 2 weeks of drinking again


reba said...

The small hardening may be only a swollen lymph node, can be found in the other hand to see if there is no other. If yes, you can with a serious infection or mono. Going to the doctor and get it checked out.

JLSLover said...


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