Appendix Pain More Condition_symptoms Can You Have Appendix Pain On Your Left Side?

Can you have appendix pain on your left side? - appendix pain more condition_symptoms

I have all the symptoms.
But my pain on the left side.
Im so wondered if the possible pain on the left side.
If you appendicitus
Help pleasee.


texaschi... said...

could be a kidney stone A. Only because I had my appendicitis last week.

jandy said...

very rarely, appendicitis usually starts around the navel and moves to the right lower quadrant in 24 hours. can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, OCC, the pain increased in intensity and in May was constant, especially if it is ruptured appendix. is best confirmed with CT and to doc. You do not sit in hot Appy. ok?

tick tick said...

possible. I had kidnapped my appd'x last month. My doctor told me something about the people who have all their bodies on the head (ie, the heart is tilted to the right instead of left, the notes on the left instead of right ..) My doctor says he can .. Perhaps you are one of the guys who have this thing Topsy Turvy = P

PS go to a laparoscopic appendectomy. If the pain alleviating = D

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